Misc: Changing the default TV launcher for TCL Smart TV (Model: P635)
Misc: Changing the default TV launcher for TCL Smart (Google TV) TV (Model: P635) Step 1: Download and install your preferred TV launcher using Aptoide TV depository on your Smart TV up to your preference. Step 2: (a) On your smart TV (e.g. TCL P635), enable developers option (press on kernel version at least 7 times). (b) Enable USB debugging (as well as network debugging if you have this option). (c) Install adb & fastboot tools (i.e. from:- https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools ). // Connect to your Smart TV's IP address (d) ./adb connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx // Make sure that your Smart TV's device can be seen (e)(i) ./adb devices // Make sure that the default launcher is com.google.android.tungsten.setupwraith (e)(ii) ./adb shell cmd shortcut get-default-launcher // Disable default launcher (Google TV) (f) ./adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 com.google.android.apps.tv.launcherx ./ ad...