
Showing posts from October, 2017

Linux tips: Find the DNS Nameservers (DHCP)

Linux tips: Find the DNS Nameservers (DHCP) If you're looking for the DNS servers (IP) for your ISP through your working (DHCP) internet connection: Step 1: #  cat /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases Step 2: (a) Look for your interface's name (e.g: eth0/eth1/wlan0) that's connected to internet (b) Look under: option domain-name-servers, yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy (Tested working on Linux Mint 18.3).

Linux Tips: No internet on DHCP

Linux Tips: No internet on DHCP (Wifi) if you can't access the internet (on your router) despite getting a successful DHCP lease, Step 1: #  cd /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/ Step 2: Add (to base file) your ISP's DNS Nameservers - (the below ip(s) are examples): nameserver nameserver (Assumption: This is tested (working) on Linux Mint 18.3; you have an valid ip address (from DHCP) ).   Further info: If you're willing to use Google DNS Nameservers instead: // IPv4 nameserver nameserver // IPv6 nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888 nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8844

Linux Tips: Adding Launcher on XFCE

Linux Tips: Adding Launcher on XFCE If you encounter a problem in starting a Launcher (added on XFCE) because of permission issues, try this (tested working on Linux Mint 18.3): Step 1: Open /usr/share/applications/ in your preferred file manager. Step 2: Drag the name (title) of the program that you want to the XFCE desktop. Step 3: Click on the newly created launcher & mark it executable when prompted. Step 4: Launch it again! Done.

Linux Tips: checking if software package is already installed

Linux Tips: checking if software package is already installed If your're using a variation of Linux Mint, to find out if a particular package is already installed: // e.g.: Check if network-manager is already installed on Linux Mint # apt-cache policy network-manager