Linux tips: Ways to restart your network/wifi

Linux tips: Ways to restart your network/wifi

If you are experiencing problems with your network (before doing any of the below commands),

// Display what devices are (i.e. Wifi/Ethernet/Loopback) on the network:
# nmcli dev

Method 1:

// Turn Wifi off
# nmcli radio wifi off

// Turn Wifi on
# nmcli radio wifi on

Method 2:

// Restart NetworkManager (systemd) service
# systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

Method 3:

// Disable Wifi (i.e. wlan0)
# ifconfig wlan0 down

# ifdown wlan0 down

// Enable Wifi (i.e. wlan0)

# ifconfig wlan0 up

# ifup wlan0 

Method 4:

// Force restart of network manager (for wired/wireless issues)
# /etc/init.d/network-manager force-reload

Method 5:

// Add the following to: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

// Reason: Mac address randomization feature in Network Manager
// contributed to downing (wifi) networks.



