Cisco Tips: Cisco Switch initial configuration

Cisco Tips: Cisco Switch initial configuration

Step 1:

// Erase existing config

switch# erase startup-config

// Reload switch

switch# reload

System configuration has been modified. Save ? [yes/no]: No.

 --- System configuration dialogue. ---
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialogue? [yes/no]: No.

Step 2:

switch> enable

switch# config t

// Change host name to Switch1

switch<config># hostname Switch1

Step 3:

// Go into interface vlan1

Switch1<config># int vlan1

// ip address [IP] [subnet mask]

Switch1<config-if># ip address

// To exit terminal mode

Switch1<config-if># ^Z

// Show current running configuration

Switch1# show run

Step 4:

Switch1# config t

// Configure default gateway

Switch1<config>#  ip default-gateway

Step 5:

// Create user:  TestAdmin   | Password:   Cisco

Switch1<config># username TestAdmin password cisco

Switch1<config># exit

Switch1# exit

Step 6:

Switch1> en

Switch1# config t

// Configure enable password of password1

Switch1<config># enable password password1

Switch1<config># exit

Switch1# exit

Step 7:

// Notice that you'll need to enter a password to enter enable mode

Switch1> en

Switch1# show run

hostname Switch1
enable password password1

Switch1# config t

// You've enabled the new secret password: cisco
// The secret password: cisco always over-write the enable password: password1
Switch1<config># enable secret cisco

Switch1<config># exit

Switch1# exit

Step 8:

// Configure console password of cisco
// Note: The password is now cisco

Switch1> en

Switch1# config t

Step 9:

// Configure synchronous logging on console
// This disables the continuous output of logs onto the screen

Switch1<config># line console 0

//  Switch1<config-line>  -- is in line configuration mode
// Switch1<config-line> is for telnet access

Switch1<config-line>#  exit

Switch1<config># line con 0

Switch1<config-line># logging synchronous

Step 10:

// Configure EXEC timeout of 10 minutes on console
// This means that 10 mins of inactivity will auto logout the console

Switch1<config-line># exec-timeout 10

Step 11:

// Set the password as cisco

Switch1<config-line># password cisco

// Enables the password as cisco

Switch1<config-line># login

Switch1<config-line># ^Z

Switch1# exit

Step 12:

Switch1> en

Switch1# config t

// Configure synchronuous logging on vty line

Switch1<config># line vty 0 15

Switch1<config-line># password cisco

Switch1<config-line># login

Switch1<config-line># exec-timeout 10

Switch1<config-line># logging synchronous

Switch1<config-line># exit

Switch1<config># line con 0

// This will enable User: TestAdmin | Password: cisco

Switch1<config-line># login local

Switch1<config-line># ^Z

Switch1# exit


Step 13:

Switch1> en

Switch1# config t

// This will encrypt all current passwords as well as any passwords
// that are set from now now.

Switch1<config># service password-encryption

Switch1<config># exit

Step 14:

// Copy current configuration into startup-config (which Cisco uses when
// starting up.

Switch1# copy running-config startup-config


Switch1# copy run start

Destination filename [startup-config] ?  [Enter to confirm]

// See what's in the startup configuration

Switch1# show start

// To see what's in our currently running configuration

Switch1# show run
